
Ayahuasca Colombia

💔 Getting what you want will NOT give you joy unless you are connected to your heart 💔

Ayahuasca Insights

Nicolas Canon

March 25, 2022

Being connected to your heart will bring you joy even if you don’t get what you want.⁠ ♥️

Make sure your efforts are intelligent and that your aim is not merely set in external accomplishments.⁠

Not because there’s something wrong with them, not at all!⁠

But because what’s the point of the most beautiful, exotic, expensive meal to someone without tastebuds?⁠

Your heart is the bridge between life and you.

Your ability to FEEL deeply and be FULL-filled depends on how much you have nourished this connection.⁠

Always remember that even if you win the rat race, you are still a rat. :)⁠

And that very often, we sacrifice the things, experiences and love we one day dreamt of… in pursue for a “someday” empty promise of fulfillment.⁠

And there’s no deeper pain than looking around and realizing that in our disconnection, we destroyed that which we cherished most.⁠

Stepped over the flowers we one day planted and watered with so much love..⁠.

Don’t let that happen.⁠ ✊🏽🔥⁠

PS: If you’re curious about shattering your heart’s walls to pieces so that you can find deep lasting fulfillment and connection (and enjoy your relationship, work and Self WAY more!)⁠

Let’s talk.⁠

We have Ayahuasca ceremonies that fit all budgets – our priority is being of service to those who are open for transformation and healing.⁠

If you feel the calling to sit with Ayahuasca, in a container held by Colombian shamans at a sacred temple in the middle of the mountain forests, please check:

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