Ayahuasca ColombiA


Ayahuasca Colombia

Through life you may have been taught to shut the door on past experiences.⁠⁠To let the past in the past. ⁠To keep your pain to yourself.⁠⁠To leave your trauma alone and avoid thinking about it.⁠⁠From a young age, you were silenced any time that you expressed intense emotions.⁠⁠Told to go to your room perhaps, knowing […]

Ayahuasca Colombia

❌ Would you take financial advice from someone who was broke?⁠❌ Or would you listen about health and fitness from an obese person?⁠❌ Even worse, would you receive guidance about relationships from someone in a toxic dynamic?⁠⁠You would not, because if they knew what they were talking about, their situation would be different.⁠⁠The exact same […]