😈 What about opening myself to evil entities, demons and spirits? πŸ‘Ή

Ayahuasca Colombia

😈 What about opening myself to evil entities, demons and spirits? πŸ‘Ή

There are some people that have heard that in Ayahuasca you may be opening a portal for dark/negative energies to enter you.⁠
Or maybe they feel they’ve been victims of black magic and are wondering whether Ayahuasca can help them remove these “negative spells” from them.⁠
Their life seems stagnant and stuck no matter what they do.⁠
Let me tell you the truth:⁠
99% of the time, Ayahuasca shows you ONLY what is already inside your heart.⁠
And a difficult part of this process for a lot of people, is to recognize that they carry a lot of darkness within.⁠
It’s easier to think we’re all love and light and great human beings..⁠.
Forever deluded and avoiding facing those parts within us that operate from greed, selfishness, unconscious desires and compulsions.⁠
To take a look at our own flaws face to face and realize that we carry a lot of unhealed and unprocessed nonsense… is not easy.⁠
Most people that feel they’re being “attacked and possessed” by evil spirits during a ceremony, are actually just being fully honest with themselves for the first time.⁠
They’re finally accepting and coming to terms with a part of who they are (or who they were).⁠
And this plays out as a movie in their head.⁠
The moment they stop resisting their own darkness, is the moment it turns into light.⁠
That’s healing.⁠
…and for the 1% that are actually under some kind of occult magic/energetic spell – the Shamans have experience in recognizing that and cleansing it out of the system.⁠
But again, most of the time the things you’re afraid of…⁠
The monster under the bed…⁠⁠
is actually the one behind the mirror.⁠ πŸ™‚

If you feel the calling to sit with Ayahuasca, in a container held by Colombian Shamans at a sacred temple in the middle of the mountain forests, please check:
