πŸƒ How to know if you are READY? πŸƒβ 

Ayahuasca Colombia

πŸƒ How to know if you are READY? πŸƒβ 

Well, how does a flower know it is time to blossom?⁠
Or how does a bird know it’s time to migrate?⁠
And a caterpillar, that it’s cocoon time?⁠ πŸ¦‹β 
There is no logical process, it is a feeling.⁠
A knowing, a calling.⁠
The truth is that there is no right or wrong time to drink plant medicine..⁠.
(Other than those time where you have not done enough research, have not taken care of your mind and body, and have not treated the process with respect.)⁠
But if you have taken care of all the above, any time is a good one.⁠
For the caterpillar is not concerned about the timing of going into its cocoon and becoming a butterfly, however it is concerned with finding a solid branch/tree to hang from.⁠
There are energies within each of us that are beyond reason and logic.⁠
There are parts of your soul that have been waiting for you to make a decision to come and meet them.⁠
The creator has always been there, waiting for you to open up just enough so its light can pour inside of you and wash away all that you are not.⁠
Most people come to medicine when they experience acute mental, emotional or physical problems.⁠
That is welcomed.⁠
Some people come when their lives are “perfect” yet there’s a void that no amount of success can fill in.⁠
That is also welcome.⁠
Sometimes you really need a hand to hold yours through the darkness and a push towards your healing process.⁠
Some other times, you are ready to come face to face with the essence of who you are.⁠
The universe is always extending its hand, waiting for you to grab it and dance with it..⁠
So, what will you do?⁠
Will you dance?⁠
Or will you wait?⁠
The soul has no rush, but your life is short and limited.⁠
Therefore there’s no need to waste it in suffering or confusion.⁠ πŸ™πŸ½β 
So are you ready?⁠

If you feel the calling to sit with Ayahuasca, in a container held by Colombian Shamans at a sacred temple in the middle of the mountain forests, please check:


⁠Let us hold your hand in coming back home to your own heart β™₯️β