🎯 Can Ayahuasca help me find my purpose? 🎯⁠

Ayahuasca Colombia

🎯 Can Ayahuasca help me find my purpose? 🎯⁠

Well, let’s start with the essential question:⁠
How do you define your purpose?⁠
You may have been sold on the idea that there is this ONE thing that you were born to do.⁠
And if so – who gave it to you?⁠
God? A God given purpose?⁠
Just look around and realize that the WORST atrocities of human history were always done by people who believed they were fulfilling a divine purpose.⁠
Once people are deluded into thinking that God gave them a mission – they are willing to step over anything and anyone to get there.⁠
So, with that out of the way, there are layers to what we came here to experience on earth.⁠
A purpose however, is not so much of an exact destination as it is a series of concentric circles.⁠⁠
An unfolding series of events.⁠
At this point of your life, your highest purpose may have to do with finding out who you TRULY are and letting go of all the conditioning.⁠
But once you’ve done that, what?⁠
You may find out that now you want to serve the world, and feel called to do so.⁠
And once you’re serving the world, what?⁠
Maybe family, scale of impact, who knows…⁠
Ayahuasca allows you to gain clarity around what it means to be in connection with your heart and the source of creation.⁠
Whatever you choose to do with that, afterwards, it’s up to you.⁠⁠
Because at the end of the way it is NOT about where you are going…⁠⁠
As much as it is about HOW you are walking.⁠ πŸ˜‰β 

If you feel the calling to sit with Ayahuasca, in a container held by Colombian Shamans at a sacred temple in the middle of the mountain forests, please check:
