Well, before we move forward let me ask you a better question:
What could go right?
We are taught to live in fear and always wonder about “What’s the worst that could happen?” but rarely do we sit on the other end of that question and wonder:
What is THE BEST that could happen?
During a plant medicine journey, if you have taken care of choosing a good shaman, drinking medicine cooked with integrity and served in a proper temple and you have chosen a medicine house that cares for your pre & post process…
Nothing can go wrong.
Even if what you encounter in your journey is scary, you will come out a different person – having faced your deepest fears and healed the most distant parts from within you.
However, what is the best that could happen?
And here I will speak from my personal experience (and that of many of the people that have come to drink medicine with us).
Well, the best...
That you die.
And you meet God/Source/The creator. (whatever name you give to the universal energy that runs through it all)
And you realize that you are part of that energy, you realize that you’ve never been broken.
That grace has always been available to you, through situations, challenges, people and subtle signs.
You come face to face with God and in that brief (yet eternal) moment, you realize the essence of who you are.
So you are born again...
With a deeper clarity and understanding of who you truly are, with a clear mind around where your pain has come from and what you need to do to let it go.
The best that can happen is that you lose who you think you are,
Only to make room for a deeper, truer, more aligned version of who you are.
True transformation.
Not through accumulation of something but through letting go of what you are not.
The best that can happen?
That you are given a 2nd chance to live your life in peace, love, truth and bliss… while still alive.
That you reach a point where you know (for good) that no matter what happens moving forward, you are taken care of.
That you come home to yourself, to your Self.
And If you feel the calling to sit with Ayahuasca, in a container held by Colombian shamans at a sacred temple in the middle of the mountain forests, please check: