- You find it offensive.
- You feel offended.
- You feel disrespected.
- You think they’re disrespectful.
- You think they’re careless.
- You feel humiliated.
- You feel stepped over.
- You think they’re taking advantage of you.
- You think you’re being too nice.
You come up with the idea that you’ve been too nice... too lenient..
That’s why people take advantage of you,
You have to fight back and hold your ground, bark and bite.
You will stop being nice to that disrespectful and humiliating bully to prove a point that you’re not to be messed with.
Someone said a few words to you…
And that’s all it took to change the core of how you choose to show up in life, your emotions and your self-image, your present and immediate future.
A few buttons are pressed and off you go!
Do you not see the problem here?
Most people drown in a glass of water.
While they are dying of thirst.
They blow their problems out of proportion.
They get triggered and suddenly are looking for information that supports their pain.
Confirmation and evidence that backs up their desire to disconnect, be righteous and judge.
And will happily bypass and ignore all the information that goes against the story.
So make sure that – especially – when you are triggered, you stay connected to the truth of reality.
Do not tell yourself any stories (good or bad).
Equanimity in relationships is the only way that you get to act instead of react.
And the only conscious, healthy, useful and “good” response to the challenges that life throws at you.
Because it is when the storm hits the boat, that the sailor is tested.
And when conflict arises, a peaceful mind and a compassionate heart will get you through everything.
Yet a volatile mind and fragile ego will enslave you – forever – to what others say, feel and think about you.
So do Not give your power away...
At least not if Freedom is something you value.
For to be free is to live in truth,
And to tell yourself stories and look for supportive evidence is to be looking for a needle in a haystack..
Just so you can find it and Pinch yourself with it
If you feel the calling to sit with Ayahuasca, in a container held by Colombian Shamans at a sacred temple in the middle of the mountain forests, please check: