🍶 Trying to be there for others without taking care of yourself is the fastest path towards burnout, resentment and broken relationships.
Martyrdom is NOT a virtue.
It’s a gross, unconscious attempt to control.
A subtle desire to manipulate the way in which others perceive us by trying to “be good & nice”.
A shady attempt to bargain love..
Afterall… if I’m always there for others, they’ll need me, and if they need me they might love me.
“to help” is done for selfish reasons (to boost up our identity of good-doers, or to gain acceptance and appreciation from others)
However, to serve is always done for the other.
Service can only come from a person whose cup is full, everything else often comes with a collection date.
“Look how much I’ve done/sacrificed for you…” Are the words of someone whose generosity was not a gift but a debt they were waiting to cash in.
For the reward of service is serving itself…
So before you seek to pour from your cup, make sure it’s full and not leaking.
And if it isn’t, your present job lies in taking care of that before you have the capacity to include others.
A drowning person can’t save anyone (and quite often, just pulls others down).
Get yourself together before you try to change the world around you. ✊🏽🔥🙏🏼
If you feel the calling to sit with Ayahuasca, in a container held by Colombian Shamans at a sacred temple in the middle of the mountain forests, please check: