One common question that i get is: “Why do people vomit when they drink Ayahuasca?“ Let’s start with something that most people get wrong, and it’s that they think that trauma is a mental thing. Most people dont know that trauma is first a physiological happening before it becomes a psychological one, a lot of […]
The death of a loved one. The death of a relationship. The death of a business. The death of a phase. In order to find meaning and purpose, a healthy relationship with death is necessary.You must take inventory – tonight if you can – about your life.Plan for it, prepare for it!If you were certain […]
There are some people that have heard that in Ayahuasca you may be opening a portal for dark/negative energies to enter you.Or maybe they feel they’ve been victims of black magic and are wondering whether Ayahuasca can help them remove these “negative spells” from them.Their life seems stagnant and stuck no matter what they do.Let […]