Ayahuasca ColombiA


Nicolas Canon

Ayahuasca Colombia

The death of a loved one.⁠ The death of a relationship.⁠ The death of a business.⁠ The death of a phase.⁠ In order to find meaning and purpose, a healthy relationship with death is necessary.⁠⁠You must take inventory – tonight if you can – about your life.⁠⁠Plan for it, prepare for it!⁠⁠If you were certain […]

Nicolas Canon

Ayahuasca Colombia

There are some people that have heard that in Ayahuasca you may be opening a portal for dark/negative energies to enter you.⁠⁠Or maybe they feel they’ve been victims of black magic and are wondering whether Ayahuasca can help them remove these “negative spells” from them.⁠⁠Their life seems stagnant and stuck no matter what they do.⁠⁠Let […]

Nicolas Canon

Ayahuasca Colombia

A lot of people have this as their main fear.⁠ What if it’s too much? What if I lose my mind?⁠ What if I see something that I can’t deal with?⁠ What if I end up more messed up than I am?⁠ What if I have a bad trip?⁠ These questions are normal and often […]

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