So, you’re drinking Ayahuasca or you’re considering on drinking Ayahuasca and you want to make sure that you don’t have a bad trip. Maybe you’ve heard from your friends or you’ve read on the internet that people go crazy, they lose their minds, they go through hell. Somebody told you something that is making you […]
Before the ceremony starts you will often see the Shaman playing a tune with a harmonica or chanting Icaros to the medicine. The Icaros are “Callings of the spirit” and in essence, they are mantras that the Shaman has discovered deep into his own studies of sound and healing. In India, I believe they call […]
Let me explainâ …â Your focus should be on embodying the kind of partner that you want to be.â â Not on placing unrealistic expectations on your potential partners and who you have arbitrarily decided they should be for you.â â Standards are necessaryâ â ,But they start WITHIN youâ . Do you relate to all of you as sacred?â â Do you celebrate your […]