When exploring about whether or not you’d like to participate in an ayahuasca ceremony, one of the most important things to look for is a solid container.
The container is comprised of two things:
🍃 The Space
💌 The Community
In the same way that in old tales the magicians needed a wand or a staff…
The oracles a crystal ball..
And the alchemists needed a geometric seal…
Any experience where there are increased amounts of energy, require that there is a structure solid enough for it to be contained and flow safely.
🔌 You wouldn’t plug a 120W toaster into a 5000W power outlet, would you?
If you did and it there wasn’t a grounding pole, the whole thing would explode and burn out from the excess electricity.
This is why it is important to attend ceremonies that are in nature (natural grounding force)
And also to do so within a Maloka (indigenous medicine temple) which is a structure consecrated in a specific way so that its structure contains and purifies the energies within it.
Now, community is important because when you drink medicine, a big part of the healing work is facing those areas that are painful to look at.
😟 It can be scary at times.
And knowing that you are surrounded by experienced people (both medical professionals and integrative coaches) allows you to ease into your process.
Knowing you are supported by people who know what they’re doing AND have your best interest in mind, allows you to surrender deeper.
Drinking medicine can feel like walking into a dark forest,
And a solid container would be having both a torch and a hand holding yours throughout this walk.
Where at the other side, you come home to yourself in a deeper way than you imagined possible.
Here’s a picture of some of the Ambi Community members.
If you ever feel the calling, feel free to apply for one of our upcoming retreats:
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