Ayahuasca ColombiA


How to set Boundaries

How can one set the right boundaries both in business and relationships?What is the question one should ask him or herself to get clear on which boundaries should be and what’s the best way to set them in business? First thing is, boundaries are not walls that we create to shield or protect ourselves from […]

Alcohol addiction and Ayahuasca. You’re reading/watching these blogs/videos because you yourself or someone that you know is struggling with alcohol addiction. You may have tried different methods, therapies, alcoholics anonymous and groups with a little bit of improvement. Maybe no improvement whatsoever, you’re wondering; “Can Ayahuasca work? Is it safe? Am i going to get […]

Ayahuasca Colombia

I had booked a table at a nightclub where I paid for a few bottles of alcohol and suggested that everything they wanted on top of that be split among the guests. My intention was to connect, dance, laugh and have a fun time with those I considered close to me. I didn’t measure myself […]