Ayahuasca ColombiA


Nicolas Canon

Never drink Ayahuasca

Some people are often curious about why they can’t drink Ayahuasca on their own, why do i need a Shaman if God is inside of me? If all the answers are inside of me then why do i need somebody external to heal me, right? It’s a fair question, it’s also a question that a […]

Nicolas Canon

Ayahuasca Colombia

A study of about 12 thousand people was conducted since 2017 in attempts to measure the plant’s efficiency in healing/improving Anxiety and Depression. Here are the results: The study focused on the subsample reporting depression or anxiety diagnoses at time of Ayahuasca consumption. Results of participants reporting depression or anxiety at the time of consuming […]

Nicolas Canon

Ayahuasca Colombia

Just another day taking for granted you will wake up tomorrow. πŸ’₯ Just another day robbing the world of your gifts. πŸ’₯ Just another day in an unhealthy relationship. πŸ’₯ Just another day living in physical pain. πŸ’₯ Just another day living in mental sickness. πŸ’₯ “Just another day…“ Yes. But one day – at […]