Ayahuasca ColombiA


Nicolas Canon

The dark side & dangers of Ayahuasca Part 3 The aftermath

(We recommend you read/watch the previous parts!) Number Three: The post risks: Let’s say you went to a good place, your mind came up in a better condition, your emotions. You had a liberating process and you were in the hands of a Shaman that was trained, a facilitating team that knew how to deal […]

Nicolas Canon

Ayahuasca story Recently married

This is a brief blog to say thank you to all of you that have been watching our videos so far, we are close to 400 subscribers and i’m very happy for your support! I also wanted to share why we have not been posting content lately – It was because I was traveling between […]

Nicolas Canon

In all spiritual journeys, whether it is a Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist spirituality, whether your path is Yoga or maybe you don’t ascribe to any path. Maybe your path is plant medicine. A lot is talked and spoken about sacrifice, you gotta sacrifice if you want to go deep beyond the veil, it is […]