Ayahuasca ColombiA


Alcohol addiction and Ayahuasca. You’re reading/watching these blogs/videos because you yourself or someone that you know is struggling with alcohol addiction. You may have tried different methods, therapies, alcoholics anonymous and groups with a little bit of improvement. Maybe no improvement whatsoever, you’re wondering; “Can Ayahuasca work? Is it safe? Am i going to get […]

Ayahuasca Colombia

I had booked a table at a nightclub where I paid for a few bottles of alcohol and suggested that everything they wanted on top of that be split among the guests. My intention was to connect, dance, laugh and have a fun time with those I considered close to me. I didn’t measure myself […]

Do NOT make this mistake with Ayahuasca!!!

The biggest mistake that people make. By people i mean Shamans, facilitators and people who promote and guide medicine retreats – there is a lack of experienced, effective integration. What i mean by this is that, for example, in Colombia, there’s a lot of different medicine houses. These are created by people who feel very […]