Has anyone died from drinking Ayahuasca? There are 3 answers to this, read until the end to understand! The answers are: Yes Never Hopefully Yes:There’s people that have died from drinking Ayahuasca but it has happened in places where things are done in a sketchy way. I’m not talking about drinking in someone’s basement or […]
It’s not a magic cure:Ayahuasca is a great teacher/tool and it’s one that can cleanse: – Your mind– Your body– Your energies– Your emotions It can give you clarity into your suffering,Where it comes from, why you’re stuck in life, what you haven’t been able to let go to. And it can give you crystal […]
Why should i drink Ayahuasca if i can smoke DMT crystal that my friend made and go straight for the “juice”? If Ayahuasca has DMT why not just take DMT instead of paying money, vomiting, purging and traveling to South America? I’m sharing this from my personal perspective and opinion having tried Ayahuasca and DMT. […]
“Is Ayahuasca a drug?“ You’re problably watching/reading this video/blog because you’re curious about Ayahuasca, but you don’t want to break any laws or you’re worried that it may be a drug, that you may become addicted. Maybe you’re here because someone close to you is drinking Ayahuasca or thinking of doing so and maybe you […]