Ayahuasca ColombiA


Nicolas Canon

The Dark Side & Dangers of Ayahuasca Part 2 Being Abused

(We recommend you also read the previous Part 1 – Going crazy.) Number two: Other Risks: A lot of us assume that a Shaman is a good person, a Shaman is the wise elder of a tribe, a Shaman is somebody who’s very spiritually aware and it’s not true… A Shaman in essence is just […]

Nicolas Canon

Ayahuasca story Recently married

This is a brief blog to say thank you to all of you that have been watching our videos so far, we are close to 400 subscribers and i’m very happy for your support! I also wanted to share why we have not been posting content lately – It was because I was traveling between […]

Nicolas Canon

A lot of times, we speak about self-work, self-development, the spiritual journey, healing, shadow work, therapy, etc. But if someone ever asked me about what is the one thing that a person would need (not Ayahuasca) to turn their life around… The biggest lesson, the biggest teachings that you’ve had from the Shamans, Gurus, Yogi, […]