Light or darkness tends to be more a matter of perspective than a fact. For example, in regards to the whole Corona Virus situation – for a lot of people it has been very challenging it, has brought a lot of anxiety, separation, frustration towards the government. At the same time, i know a lot […]
(From the ask Nico Series on YouTube: What is the most fundamental way to get better at relationships/women in general?) The first thing that can make a big difference in the way that you relate to women is not separating them from; women and then people in general, you’re bound to get into a lot […]
🍶 Trying to be there for others without taking care of yourself is the fastest path towards burnout, resentment and broken relationships. Martyrdom is NOT a virtue. It’s a gross, unconscious attempt to control. A subtle desire to manipulate the way in which others perceive us by trying to “be good & nice”.A shady attempt […]
They can take you ‘there‘ but fail to understand how. It was after one of the most profound Ayahuasca experiences I had that – after talking with the Shaman – I understood two things: He had been there, to the same place beyond life and death that I had glimpsed into. He also had no […]