Ayahuasca ColombiA


Nicolas Canon

How to spot a good shaman

The first thing is to pay attention their energy How do you feel? Do you feel more yourself when you look at them?Maybe you’ve seen them on a website, video, etc. Your heart knows deep inside, when we look at someone, we get a glimpse or hint of what that person may be like, if […]

Nicolas Canon

Overcome your anxiety with this quick & simple process

Anxiety – How to work with it? People think that anxiety is an emotion or an overwhelming sensation, in my experience, anxiety is actually what happens when there’s an emotion we’re not willing to see. Anxiety is our body’s response to wanting to avoid part of reality so we could say that, in a way, […]

Nicolas Canon

The Secret To Stop Suffering

One of the biggest problems that we face today in our relationships is that we make each other responsible for the way we feel. Somebody says something nice to us so then we feel good, joyful, excited, loved and cared for.However, if the other person’s behaviour does not fit into our standard, our expectations, then […]