Is Ayahuasca a magic cure for everything? Will it solve: my anxiety, my depression, my relationship problems, my money issues, my health conditions, my confusion around my purpose, my partner? Will i become enlightened? The answer is NO, Ayahuasca is a great teacher, and a teacher is as good as the amount of homework the […]
The dark sides and dangers of doing Ayahuasca. You may be curious about plant medicine but your curiosity may be combined with precaution, maybe you’ve heard very positive stories from friends but you also go online and you see that maybe some people die, perhaps some people go crazy and you don’t know what to […]
There are only 2 spiritual journeys, 2 spiritual paths, everything else is or can be traced to one of them. The Yogi traditions have explained this in a very, very clear manner. If you want to reach the highest expression of the life that you are, if you want your life energies to merge with […]
What is bullshit spirituality? Bullshit spirituality is another layer that we use to remain distracted, another thing we do, another identity that we embrace in order to feel good, in order to gain some sort of inner and outer recognition, in order to pat myself on the shoulder and think: “I’m being a good boy/girl.” […]