Ayahuasca ColombiA


Nicolas Canon

Ayahuasca Colombia

They can take you ‘there‘ but fail to understand how. It was after one of the most profound Ayahuasca experiences I had that – after talking with the Shaman – I understood two things: He had been there, to the same place beyond life and death that I had glimpsed into. He also had no […]

Nicolas Canon

Crisis after Ayahuasca

Maybe you just came back from a plant medicine retreat (hopefully with us!) or you’re thinking of it and youre unsure of what it may bring, or maybe you already drunk the medicine and came back. What if it destabilizes my mind? What if i end up too sensitive? What if i don’t like my […]

Nicolas Canon

Overcome your anxiety with this quick & simple process

Anxiety – How to work with it? People think that anxiety is an emotion or an overwhelming sensation, in my experience, anxiety is actually what happens when there’s an emotion we’re not willing to see. Anxiety is our body’s response to wanting to avoid part of reality so we could say that, in a way, […]