Growth and transformation is the only constant in life And every time you go against it, you generate dis-ease You stop flowing... like a river whose waters got stagnant: It starts smelling bad. Brewing bacteria. Killing life within it. Affecting its ecosystem. The same happens with you and I.If you are sick (mentally, physically or […]
Therefore healthy tension is turned into something to be avoided. The world is full of people with all kinds of sensitivities, whose lives are so small that their peace of mind and emotional world revolves around every small thing others do and say. Imagine to live in such slavery:Where the key to your inner well-being […]
Having a clear intention is fundamental to a useful and impactful Ayahuasca experience.It is often said that the plant will give you what you need, not necessarily what you want.However, it is a plant that listens and has deep empathy for the things that are important to you – and if your desire is genuine […]