Ayahuasca ColombiA


Nicolas Canon

Here’s an important distinction that a lot of people miss/get confused about. Most of the people that i’ve worked with, most of my students too, get frustrated when they don’t feel happy. 100% of the time they say: “Oh, this is not working“ “I’ve done so much inner work, taken so many workshops. yet i […]

Nicolas Canon

Where is God?

Can i see God in everything that happens in my life from the moment i wake up? Can i thank that energy/source of creation for giving me another day of life? Before i go to sleep can i thank that i had another day of life and pray that i get another one? A lot […]

Nicolas Canon

Anger & conscious boundaries wisdom shots

How do i deal with people who are confrontational? Who are offensive? Who are out to hurt me or people that i care about without getting consumed in that kind of “game”? First thing we need to do is understand that there’s always a part of us that draws a certain interaction from another person. […]